Thursday, October 7, 2010


After seeing the prevalence of armored units in 5th I wanted to have an army that counteracted its strengths. I wanted Vulkan to walk his armored column up to the enemy army and vaporize it in one coordinated strike. I wasn't sure at first whether or not to use massed troop units, massed elite/fast/heavy weapons, or a mix. I settled on a mix because it's not the type of Vulkan-based force you see very often. They're mostly Terminator-based forces with a Landraider; they're mundane and boring!

Salamanders - 2000 Points

Vulkan He'stan - 190

Sternguard Veterans (9) - 295
2x Flamer, Powerfist, Rhino

Tactical Squad #1 (10) - 220
Flamer, Multi-melta, Power Weapon, Rhino

Tactical Squad #2 (10) - 220
Flamer, Multi-melta, Power Weapon, Rhino

Tactical Squad #3 (10) - 235
Meltagun, Multi-melta, Powerfist, Rhino

Assault Squad (10) - 240
2x Flamer, Thunderhammer, Rhino

Attack Bike Squad #1 (3) - 150
3x Multi-melta

Attack Bike Squad #2 (3) - 150
3x Multi-melta

Thunderfire Cannon #1 - 100

Thunderfire Cannon #2 - 100

Thunderfire Cannon #3 - 100

It would seem that the force focuses a bit much on anti-troop, considering the massed artillery and flame weapons, but 9x Multi-melta (6 of which can move and fire) seem pretty destructive. The trick is to make sure you can crack an enemy tank during the shooting phase, and follow that up by charging the unit that disembarks.

There's also a ton of resilience within this force, as well as a touch of "help me, help you, no way." This means that my Techmarines give me extra cover saves against heavy fire (even for my vehicles), but any benefit you might gain from using my own terrain rules is pretty much negated by my anti-troop weaponry (Flamers, Thunderfire Cannons and Sternguard ammo).

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